eCommerce Growth Collective

Join us in unique venues with drinks, canapés and a room full of the best ecommerce brains. With the right blend of discussion, learning and networking - you’ll leave with new connections, new ideas and actionable insights.

EGC events provide a fun, engaging and community orientated space to learn from others in the ecommerce industry. They're interactive events, so your voice is welcome. Ask questions, share your own tips, and get to know your peers (over cocktails, snacks and beers).

Last event: Growth in challenging times

Back in June we met at the Lind & Lime Distillery to sample their fantastic gin cocktails and discuss the keys to growth against the backdrop of a challenging market. You can catch up on the panel discussion here.

Join us at the next event on October 9th

Next event: The next big thing, Apex Hotel, Edinburgh, October 9th 2024

We're putting out a call once again for some of the brightest and best minds in the Scottish ecommerce community to join us in the spectacular surroundings of Edinburgh's Apex Hotel for an evening of networking, learning, drinks and debates on the biggest things on the ecommerce horizon.

With everyone well underway with planning for peak, our expert panel and equally expert audience will be bringing to the table what they see to be the key issues and opportunities on their radar as we move forward into 2025.

Now's the time to be thinking ahead to what might make the difference (in a good or bad way) for your business once the madness dies down. And what better way to do it than over drinks and nibbles with panoramic views of Edinburgh Castle. This one is not to be missed.

Attending EGC events is totally free, so what are you waiting for?

It was a great venue, delicious catering and cocktails, valuable content and excellent organisation

A previous event attendee

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